Get to the Apple Menu with keyboard shortcuts
To get to the menu bar on a Mac, press Ctrl-F2 (Ctrl-Fn-F2 on a laptop) from there you can use the arrow keys and letter keys to open menus.
Get a US iTunes Account
Firstly, you need to buy an iTunes gift card for the US store, I recommend:
Spring and WS-Security Example
I recently had to put in place a public facing soap web service with Spring and WS-Security. While the tutorials on Spring Source are great, if you requirements deviate from the sample tutorials it is difficult to track down any extra information needed.
Simple xsl for eztz rss format
Below is a simple xsl that accepts the xml from an eztv.rss type stream and converts this stream into a flatter structure for handling by scripting languages, such as bash etc. Currently the xsl only exports the url, and the file name, but could be altered to export more data.