This blog is mainly for me, a way of remembering things I've done; when I couldn't find an answer on Google, I wrote about it here. Hopefully, other people may find it helpful too.
Example Oracle Data Modeler Extension

Data Modeler, along with SQL Developer and JDeveloper, has a powerful extension SDK; this allows bespoke extensions to be developed. These extension can modify workflows and access/update the internal data models of the application.

Several extension example exist for JDeveloper, but I wasn’t able to find any for Data Modeler.


A video overview is available here:

Data Modeler Extension Video

Source Code for Download is here: Source


  • Download JDeveloper.
    JDeveloper can be downloaded here:

  • Download the Extension SDK

    To get the JDeveloper Extension SDK Documentation and Samples From inside JDeveloper use Help->Check-for-updates

    You’ll need to restart JDeveloper to complete the installion.

  • Create a new Application and Project

    Select File -> New -> From Gallery:

    Choose Extension Application

    Complete the Wizard:

    Application Name : ExtensionExample
    Directory: Where to save the Application
    Application Package Prefix: com.theriom.ExampleExtension

    Project Name: Extension
    Directory: Choose the default

    Click Finish

  • Add a Extension Wizard to the Project

    Select New -> From Gallery -> Gallery Item (Wizard)

    Name: Example
    Description : Example
    Add item to Tools Menu : Enabled
    Menu label : Example
    Identifier : Example
    Menu tool top : Example

    Click OK

  • Change the project to build for DataModeler instead of JDeveloper

    Select the project properties (Right Click on the project name).

    Under Project Properites Select Extension.

    Select Manage and add you Data Modeler Installation directory.

    For Mac OS X users, the Installation Directory is

    While still in the Project Properties Section Choose Deployment:

    Select the Edit Pencil and change the jar file location to


    So every new build will automatically be saved to the extension folder of DataModeler .

  • Manually add the extension details to DataModeler

Doing this will ease your development cycle.



and add

  • Modify extension.xml

The wizard adds the new Menu Item to the Tools Menu (which is ok in SQL Developer and JDeveloper) however Data Modeler doesn’t allow the Tools menu to be used; so modify extension.xml and change

  <menu-hook xmlns="">
      <menubar id="javax.ide.view.MAIN_WINDOW_MENUBAR_ID">
        <menu id="Tools">
          <section id="menu-addin-section-id" weight="2.0">
            <item action-ref="Example" weight="2.0"/>


  <menu-hook xmlns="">
      <menubar id="javax.ide.view.MAIN_WINDOW_MENUBAR_ID">
        <menu id="javax.ide.VIEW_MENU_ID">
          <section id="menu-addin-section-id" weight="2.0">
            <item action-ref="Example" weight="2.0"/>

<menu id="Tools"> changes to <menu id="javax.ide.VIEW_MENU_ID">

  • Change

      package com.theriom.ExampleExtension;
      import oracle.ide.Context;
      import oracle.ide.controller.Controller;
      import oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction;
      import oracle.ide.wizard.WizardManager;
       * Controller for action Example.
      public final class ExampleController
        implements Controller
        public boolean update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          return true;
        public boolean handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          return true;

The update() method is called before the handle event. Use this to enable the menu item.

The handleEvent() invokes the Wizard.

  • Modify Example Wizard

      package com.theriom.ExampleExtension;
      import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
      import oracle.ide.Context;
      import oracle.ide.wizard.Wizard;
       * Implementation of the "Example" gallery item.
      public final class ExampleWizard
        extends Wizard
        public boolean invoke(Context context)
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Menu Invoked");
          return true;
        public boolean isAvailable(Context context)
          return true;
        public String getShortLabel()
          return "Example";

Add a Message Dialog to the invoke() method.

  • Build, Deploy and Debug the Application

  • Access details from you design

    ApplicationView view = ApplicationView.getInstance(); - Get this current application instance.

    Design design = view.getCurrentDesign(); - Get the currently open design.

    LogicalDesign logical = design.getLogicalDesign(); - Get the Logical Model

    design.getRelationalDesigns(); - Get the Relational Designs.

Understanding the API

The Data Modeler installation includes a set of documentation which is intended for Transformation Scripts DATAMODELER_PATH/datamodeler/datamodeler/xmlmetadata/doc/index.html

Although not perfect, it can help to give you a good understanding of the available classes and how they interact.

Further Reading

  1. Developer’s Guide for Oracle JDeveloper Extensions.
  2. The Dynamic Module System for Java.

Last modified on 2016-04-27