A quick and dirty bash/xsl combination to allow you to watch changes in Redmine, Hudson and Review Board via Growl; this should work with any local RSS/ATOM feed.
Download the bash script here and save it to a convenient location.
Get the command line growlnotify here: http://growl.info/extras.php.
Edit the simple_rss.conf file:
1,redmine.png,atom.xsl,,http://redmine/… 2,hudson.png,atom.xsl,,http://hudson/rssLatest 3,review-board-logo.png,rss.xsl,,http://reviewboard/feeds/rss/users/
The first values (1,2,3) is a unique identifier the script uses for storing history, you can use anything you like.
The second value, is the image you want growl to display with the message.
The third entry is for the XSL to use, this depends on the format of the feed, the options are atom.xsl and rss.xsl.
Lastly, the URL of the RSS/Atom feed.
Hudson, this is always http://<hudson url>/rssLatest.
Review Board, this will be http://<review board url>/feeds/rss/users/.
Redmine, this is very configurable you can get RSS feeds for project, open items etc.
Next, you want to add an entry to crontab to run the shell script at the intervals you like.
That should be it.
Last modified on 2012-07-28