This blog is mainly for me, a way of remembering things I've done; when I couldn't find an answer on Google, I wrote about it here. Hopefully, other people may find it helpful too.
Oracle Data Modeler CSV Transformation Script

Exports a subiew in a logical model to a CSV file.

var subView = “<subview_name>"; var file = “/tmp/"+subView+".csv”

                                        // Get List of Subview Entities
	entities = model.getSubViewByName(subView).getEntities();

                                // Store CSV output.
	var output = "";
                                // Start traversing entity

	writeToFile(output, file);

        Process the selected entities
	function processEntities(entities)
        for(var a=0; a < entities.length; a++)

        Process an entity
	function processEntity(entity)
	{                               // Get the entity's name.
        name = entity.getName();

                                    // Iterate through it's attributes
        attributes = entity.getAttributes();
        for(var b=0; b < attributes.length; b++)
            processAttributes(entity, attributes[b]);

        Process an Attribute
	function processAttributes(entity, attribute)
                                    // Name
        var attrName = attribute.getName();
        var entityName = entity.getName();

                            // Get Comments
        var attrComments = attribute.getComment().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r|,)/gm,"");
        var entityComments = entity.getComment().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r|,)/gm,"");

                            // Get Created Date
        var entityDate = entity.getCreatedTime();
        var attrDate = attribute.getCreatedTime();

                            // Get Internal Object ID
        var entityID = entity.getObjectID();
        var attrID = attribute.getObjectID();

                            // Get Last Changed By.
        var entityModifiedBy = entity.getCreatedBy();
        var attrModifiedBy = attribute.getCreatedBy();

                            // Get Extended Attribute Fields
        var attrDataType = attribute.getDataType().toString().replace(/(,)/gm,".");
        var attrFK = attribute.isFKAttribute()==true?"yes":"no";
        var attPK = attribute.isPKElement()==true?"yes":"no";

        output +=
                subView + "," +
                entityName + "," +
                entityDate + "," +
                entityID + "," +
                entityComments + "," +
                entityModifiedBy + "," +
                attrName + "," +
                attrDate + "," +
                attrID + "," +
                attrComments + "," +
                attrDataType + "," +
                attrFK + "," +
                attPK + "," +
                attrModifiedBy + "\n";

        Display a message
	function alert(message)
        javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);

        Write String to File
	function writeToFile(output, file)
                                // Write to file.
            var out = new;

        alert(subView + " saved to file '" + file + "'");

Last modified on 2016-04-19