This blog is mainly for me, a way of remembering things I've done; when I couldn't find an answer on Google, I wrote about it here. Hopefully, other people may find it helpful too.
Auto Reject Meeting Request in Outlook

Below is some sample code to automatically reject Outlook Meetings requests at certain times.

To use it.

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Press Alt-F11 to open Microsoft Visual Basic for Application.
  3. Selected the project on the left and side, and then select “ThisOutlookSession”
  4. Paste the code below.
  5. Next, create a new mail rule
  6. Select on Apply Rule on Messages I Receive.
  7. Next, Select “Which is a meeting request of Update
  8. Next, Select “Run a Script”, and select “AutoRejectMeetings”

Of course you can always add more filters to it … for example you may not want to don’t run the script if it’s from your boss :-).

Sub AutoRejectMeetings(oRequest As MeetingItem)

If oRequest.MessageClass <> "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request" Then
  Exit Sub
End If

Dim oAppt As AppointmentItem
Set oAppt = oRequest.GetAssociatedAppointment(True)

lStartHour = Hour(oAppt.Start)              ' 24 Hour
lStartMinute = Minute(oAppt.Start)

lEndhour = Hour(oAppt.End)                  ' 24 Hour
lEndMinute = Minute(oAppt.End)

lDayOfWeek = Weekday(Appt.Start)            ' 1=Sunday, 2=Monday ...

'MsgBox "(" & lDayOfWeek & ")" & lStartHour & ":" & lStartMinute & " - " & lEndhour & ":" & lEndMinute

If (lEndhour > 16) Or (lEndhour = 16 And lEndhour > 0) Then

Dim oResponse
                    ' olMeetingTentative/olMeetingAccepted/olMeetingDeclined
Set oResponse = oAppt.Respond(olMeetingTentative, True)

                    ' Body is optional.
oResponse.Body = "Hi," & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "I'm usually out of the office a 4pm. " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Colin."

End If

End Sub

Last modified on 2015-03-11